To overseas customers


To overseas customers

Thank you for visiting our website!

We do ship overseas.
If you would like to pay by credit card, please refer to this page below.

We will inform you of the shipping cost after we get your order.
If you agree with the shipping cost, we will prepare the shipment to you.
We will send you a link for payment of the shipping cost.
After we receive the shipping fee, we will ship your order.

If you have a PayPal account, you can make a purchase by email.
Please email us detailing what you want to buy, your address, your name, your telephone number, and your paypal account, and then we will inform you of the total price including shipping cost.
We charge you 5% of the total cost as a settlement fee. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

And also, we have a EC shop for overseas customers.
Please visit itoneJAPAN too.  It’s much more easier to shopping for you!

Thank you.